Today's post is "written" by Andrew and Aria Doyle in honor of their mother, Sherry. (Thanks Daddy)
Dear Mommy,

I also really like it when you give me
a sandwich, grapes, and crackers and only make me eat the amount that I want to
eat! Oh, and ketchup…what can I say about that? Additionally, I really
appreciate that you are very technological, because I love your IPAD and
IPhone…yeah, that would be fun! Also cars and trains too of course…you always
make sure I have my McQueen and Thomas.
Oh, and a couple of other things.
Thanks for taking me to the doctors all the time and always making sure I have
the right medicines, especially eye drops and “candy” for my allergies. You’re
also really patient with me as I navigate the complexities of the potty…I’ll
tell you what, that sticker chart idea was genius! Oh, and I can’t forget to
tell you this: You’re really pretty…sometimes I like it when Daddy is out of
town and you let me sleep on his side of the bed!
Andrew Christopher Doyle
PS… that cool Mommy?
Hi Mom!
Do you know what makes me happy? Seeing you in the morning
after we’ve both slept in! And then, we’re off to a really good day! It’s also
great when Andrew goes to school and it’s just you and me for a couple of
hours…I love it when I get you all to myself! We can read “MElmo” together,
watch Bubble Guppies, and just talk. Also, I love your food…and not just the food
you make for me…the food that is actually on your plate. It’s kind of like
dessert for me…after I’ve had my meal!

I look forward to “girl time” as I get older, and I’m really
grateful that you teach me to be gentle…I really look up to you, no really,
you’re quite tall, so I REALLY do look up to you! Oh yeah, one other thing: I
like to sing, but I’m not nearly as good as Andrew (I might just stick with the
name ‘Ariana’). Can you arrange some dance lessons in the
near future? I think that’s my thing!
Hugs and Kisses,
Ariana Kay Doyle
PS…Disney World was awesome! Especially the light show at
9:30 that I stayed up for…it was AMAZING! Can we do that again in like 6 or 7
Precious! What a wonderful sense of humor Andrew and Ariana have -- and at their tender, young ages! Prodigies, for sure! ;o)