Today's blogger is Joshua Benedict. His mom is Pam.
it's that time of year again. The sun shining, the flowers blooming, the birds
singing, school almost out and Mother's day? What?
That's often how Mother's day sneaks up on me at our house. Life just keeps spinning and then all of the sudden its upon you! Mother's day! What that looks like for us is a day Mommy reads the newspaper, doesn't cook, takes a bubble bath and just enjoys life. It's a well deserved day off for someone on full time duty 24/7. A never ending cycle for eighteen years or more if you have kids. Her's will last twenty seven years by the time Katie is out of the house. And she will get a total of twenty seven days off that are nationally recognized. Only twenty seven?? Just another reason to be thankful for what your mother has down in her lifetime.
What makes my mother special? She doesn't try to hide that she's human
, and I
mean this with all sincerity. Lots of times, parents try to cast the perfect
shadow and the kids grow up thinking adults might be image they
shed once puberty hits. Other parents try to cover up their mistakes by blaming
the kids or removing themselves from the situation. My mother confronts her
faults and admits she's wrong. Then she gives us a hug and kiss, and says she's
trying to reflect Christ in every way possible. Now that, my friends, is a reason
to "Honor your father and mother" – Ephesians 6:2. Someone who is as
loving and nurturing as is possible for a human, who messes up occasionally and
is not afraid to admit it, a quality that I, being a guy, struggle with
sometimes, okay more often than not. But having that great smile and warm house
to come home to after a long practice for basketball or school choir is well
worth it. We're all human and we all make mistakes, so how about this year we
make one LESS mistake, and remember our mothers. You have an earthly father and
a heavenly father, but there is only one mother!
Dear, Mom
Thanks for bearing me into this world! Your kindness, friendship, parenting, love and food have made my life better every single day! I only have about 2 years left in our household, but the last 16 I can't think of a better mom. Your testimony, along with Dad's, of staying pure until marriage is one I plan on staying on track with until I am married. I know you can't wait to see that happy day, on which you will most likely cry, but you will have 3 boys by that time to wipe your tears and engulf you with humongous hugs, Steve, Josh and Justin. The girls love you too as well! Haha can't forget them! They have a wonderful role model for young girls to follow, and we all can't appreciate you enough. So with that in mind, relax! We've got the cooking, sit back and take that bubble bath you've been waiting to soak in for a year. The Benedict family loves and cares for their Mother. Happy Mother's day Mom!
That's often how Mother's day sneaks up on me at our house. Life just keeps spinning and then all of the sudden its upon you! Mother's day! What that looks like for us is a day Mommy reads the newspaper, doesn't cook, takes a bubble bath and just enjoys life. It's a well deserved day off for someone on full time duty 24/7. A never ending cycle for eighteen years or more if you have kids. Her's will last twenty seven years by the time Katie is out of the house. And she will get a total of twenty seven days off that are nationally recognized. Only twenty seven?? Just another reason to be thankful for what your mother has down in her lifetime.
What makes my mother special? She doesn't try to hide that she's human

Dear, Mom
Thanks for bearing me into this world! Your kindness, friendship, parenting, love and food have made my life better every single day! I only have about 2 years left in our household, but the last 16 I can't think of a better mom. Your testimony, along with Dad's, of staying pure until marriage is one I plan on staying on track with until I am married. I know you can't wait to see that happy day, on which you will most likely cry, but you will have 3 boys by that time to wipe your tears and engulf you with humongous hugs, Steve, Josh and Justin. The girls love you too as well! Haha can't forget them! They have a wonderful role model for young girls to follow, and we all can't appreciate you enough. So with that in mind, relax! We've got the cooking, sit back and take that bubble bath you've been waiting to soak in for a year. The Benedict family loves and cares for their Mother. Happy Mother's day Mom!
Too sweet!
ReplyDeleteJOsh, you are wonderful :)
ReplyDeleteVery nice Josh!
ReplyDeleteMade me cry! What beautiful, heartwarming words for your mom, Josh!
ReplyDeleteJosh you are a gifted writer. I'm sure your mom was blessed by ever word you wrote and I'm sure they were all true! Pam, thanks for being a godly example of a wife and mom for us young wives/moms in the church to look up to!! I hope you enjoy your "Day Off" on Sunday ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are an awesome son, Josh! I know your parents are blessed to have you! She will be rereading these words for years to come. You have great parents to raise such a wonderful young man!
ReplyDeletePam, he made me cry we can all get out the tissues...Happy Mother's Day!