Written today by our very own "kissable" Lynn Lewis!
My daughters have started a list of sayings that they
frequently hear me utter. One of them is, “There are lots of ways to say I love
you.” God created the human heart with a
great capacity to love, and to be loved.
While it’s fun to find new and creative ways to say “I love you,” one of
the age-old and most popular ways is with a kiss.
Most of us had mothers who gave us kisses when we were
little. Back then, a kiss said, “I’m
glad you were born, and I’m glad you are mine.”
How eager I was at that age to kiss mommy and daddy!

Reaching adulthood, kisses come to mean much more – or,
sometimes, much less. Kisses can be
carelessly tossed in the air, or caught casually on the cheek. Some people waste their kisses on people who
do not treasure them, or who collect them like trophies. We tenderly kiss our
elderly parents, increasingly aware that we may not always have this privilege.

My husband never fails to kiss me every time he leaves the
house, even if it’s just to run an errand. After 23 years of marriage, it feels
like he is saying, “I know you are here, and I’m grateful. I see you. I appreciate what you do. I’m glad we share
life together.”
My 10-year-old daughter is especially affectionate. She
wants to kiss and hug me dozens of times a day.
She grabs on as if I’m leaving on a 6-month trip, and wants to
“schnuzzle.” She sticks her face into my
chest and inhales deeply to enjoy the aroma of my perfume (and, she says, “a
little bit of sweat.”) It always makes
me feel loved, appreciated, and gives me a sense of belonging.
Recently, I was struck by the words of a worship song that
mentions a kiss. You may be familiar
with it – they’ve played a video of this song in the worship service. It’s
called “How He Loves,” by John Mark MacMillan. There is one line that mentions
a “sloppy wet kiss.” The first time I
heard it, I must confess that I was totally distracted by that one line, and it
really took me aback. I had to hear the
song several times, and really think and pray about it, before I began to
understand (and be enlarged by) what the author was trying to communicate.
The key is to look at the poetry, and powerful imagery, of
the whole song, which is about God’s overwhelmingly generous love for us. Look
at the immediate context around that one line:
are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy, wet kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy, wet kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
I think about, the way…that He loves us.
This beautiful song is telling us that God’s extravagant love
is overwhelming, overpowering, breath-taking. It sweeps away our defenses,
invades our soul, and pervades it with light and healing love. He knows every hair on our heads; He sees
every sin, witnesses every failure, and knows every selfish thought—and yet, He
loves us!
We are moved, maybe even undone, and left in need of a
response. When we are kissed by the Creator of the Universe with His holy and
perfect love, redeemed by the sacrifice of His only son, washed clean, immersed
in undeserved mercy, and then adopted as His very own, our hearts must respond
in gratitude!
So what is our response?
We let go of our inhibitions, and we kiss Him back! What kind of kisses
do we give back to our precious Savior and Redeemer? We’ve looked briefly at different types of
kisses. Guess what? They are all gifts that we can give to God. As Sandi Patti
once sang, “You created the gift that we bring.” We can open our hearts to Him in worship, in
prayer, in sacrificial giving, in acts of service, in courageous pursuit of
spiritual growth, and by finding ways to meaningfully love those around us.
I want to give God more kisses. I want my kisses to say,
“I’m glad you were born, and I’m glad you are mine. I have a special love for you, and we belong
together. I love you! I need you! You’re my whole world! I appreciate all your affection, food, shelter,
and our good times together! Let’s go for a walk!! I know you are here, and I’m grateful. I see
you. I appreciate what you do. I’m glad
we share life together.” I want to grab
on to Jesus tightly, many times a day, and inhale His perfume.
Heavenly Father,
please open my heart to love You more. Heal the broken places in my heart that
cause me to hold back from loving You (and those around me) more extravagantly.
Fill my heart with Your love, light, and
freedom. Free me to worship you with all
my heart, soul, mind, and strength. In
Christ’s name, Amen.
Lynn, this is beautiful... Missed seeing it yesterday, but so glad I looked for "K" today! The sweet Spirit of our Jesus shines through your words ~ and your ever ready big smile! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Debbie! Love you!
ReplyDeleteLynn, I had a few minutes to catch up on my reading and I just wanted to tell you how blessed I was by your post!!!! Thanks for sharng!!!!!