May Day
Poet Robert Browning wrote:
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned",
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid....
I love the freshness of the arrival of Spring after the cold darkness of winter. The first showing of spring bulbs that push through the left over snow. Then the bright fresh colors of the promise of the Earth awaking from a long winter's nap.
In Spring I can almost feel the first color of blossoms appear on the trees and then the whole world breaks forth in colors of white, pale pink, darker pink, shades of yellow and green and purple.
How was I to know when I first started dating my husband to be that the first token May Basket was to become a lifelong tradition? Each year on the first day of May there is a reminder of a remembrance of a love that has lasted many, many years.
Song of Solomon 2:16 My lover is mine and I am his.
My first May Day basket arrived on my door knob while we were dating. The basket it's self was not much to look at. Just some folded paper with fresh blossoms picked from his yard. The treasure was mine to discover as I left my house that morning.
This tradition has been going on for so many years that I really do not remember the reason for the first one. I just know that on the first day of May I will once again be greeted with fresh flowers from our yard with an I Love You note attached. In all of our years together he has only missed two May Days and that was when he was on military duty out of the country. I have found that in a marriage it is not only good but fun to have a little way that only the two of you may understand that expresses your love for each other.
So I suggest that you have some secret fun. Something that only the two of you will understand. A special song, a coded message etc. We still use a coded message that we inscribe on cards or letters to each other. Our children are still trying to figure out what the letters mean. This does indeed bring a smile to our faces.
What is your special message that says I LOVE YOU? That says I am thinking of you. You are my own true love.
Again this year on the first day of May I will look forward to the small affirmation of love. The flowers from our yard that will be on the table in the kitchen waiting for me to discover.
Grow old along with me!
the best is yet to be.
I wish you a May Basket.
Poet Robert Browning wrote:
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned",
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid....
I love the freshness of the arrival of Spring after the cold darkness of winter. The first showing of spring bulbs that push through the left over snow. Then the bright fresh colors of the promise of the Earth awaking from a long winter's nap.
In Spring I can almost feel the first color of blossoms appear on the trees and then the whole world breaks forth in colors of white, pale pink, darker pink, shades of yellow and green and purple.
How was I to know when I first started dating my husband to be that the first token May Basket was to become a lifelong tradition? Each year on the first day of May there is a reminder of a remembrance of a love that has lasted many, many years.
Song of Solomon 2:16 My lover is mine and I am his.
My first May Day basket arrived on my door knob while we were dating. The basket it's self was not much to look at. Just some folded paper with fresh blossoms picked from his yard. The treasure was mine to discover as I left my house that morning.
This tradition has been going on for so many years that I really do not remember the reason for the first one. I just know that on the first day of May I will once again be greeted with fresh flowers from our yard with an I Love You note attached. In all of our years together he has only missed two May Days and that was when he was on military duty out of the country. I have found that in a marriage it is not only good but fun to have a little way that only the two of you may understand that expresses your love for each other.
So I suggest that you have some secret fun. Something that only the two of you will understand. A special song, a coded message etc. We still use a coded message that we inscribe on cards or letters to each other. Our children are still trying to figure out what the letters mean. This does indeed bring a smile to our faces.
What is your special message that says I LOVE YOU? That says I am thinking of you. You are my own true love.
Again this year on the first day of May I will look forward to the small affirmation of love. The flowers from our yard that will be on the table in the kitchen waiting for me to discover.
Grow old along with me!
the best is yet to be.
I wish you a May Basket.
Sally, I love what you wrote and finished it with tears in my eyes. The best part of all was that Taylor and Aaron were in the kitchen and I shared it with them. Young love, 18 years old, and all the world before them...I thought it would be a great seed to plant about love, romance, and commitment. Thanks for your writing!