New things are entering the ring as we speak: my husband’s away for 2 weeks, the car engine light is on, my sister’s 26 year marriage is dissolving, my mother-in-law’s health is rapidly declining, and good friends are hurting and betrayed. My tranquility storehouse is on its last reserves! Are you feeling the heat with me? And May hasn’t even arrived yet!
As I lay in bed last night, the house finally quiet and still, I gave the whole schedule/performance thing over to God. The Holy Sprit groaned on my behalf (Rom 8:26) - I was too distraught to formulate a coherent request! Immediately, God brought 1 Corinthians 10:13 to mind: “And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted (tested) beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted (tested), he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
Ahhhh, the sweetness of that promise! It washed over me, and filled me with His serenity. God is faithful. He would NOT allow my peace and energy drain out! He knows my limits (but does He think too highly of me, perhaps?). When my storehouse is empty, His will take over. More than anything, I can know that it’s HIS hand on the thermostat, and He will NOT let me go down in flames!
So, as we dash past one other in the upcoming weeks, remind me of God’s character and promise, if you would please. Maybe we can tell each other. “God is faithful”!
Seeing how I've dashed past you three times in the last two days, I'll remind you, "God is faithful!" He's also compassionate, loving and more merciful than we deserve and all we can do is praise Him! Thank you Jennifer for sharing so transparently about your hectic life and how you are letting God be your strength when you no longer have any.