Monday, September 26, 2011


Hi Ladies. It is highly probable that we have all suffered from some type of stress or anxiety during our lifetime. Dealing with the stress is also a challenge. In the mist of everything God wants us to cast all our cares upon Him. I have learned that I do not have to carry my burdens alone. I have resources within the church, my family, and my friends to help during times of stress.

I wrote this poem about a year and a half ago when I was diagnosed with acute anxiety syndrome. It was quite severe. My husband had been out of a job for almost 8 months and we had no income. I was homeschooling at the time and trying to find work as a substitute teacher in the county high schools to pay the bills and "stay above the water." It was slow going every day. The stress started to affect me physically. This is how I felt; some of you may be able to relate.


The tingling sensation creeps up my arms
The tight ache envelops my shoulders
The head begins to scream with pain

Instantly I am seized with the disease

The light pierces my eyes
The noise overwhelms my ears
The voices push me away into madness

Instantly I am seized with the disease

Rest for the weary
Rest for the downtrodden
Rest for the overworked

The dark room invites me
The quiet entices me
The peace overcomes me

Rest for the weary
Rest for the downtrodden
Rest for the overworked

The silent stillness restores my sanity
The disease creeps away
the pain a mere memory until tomorrow

Instantly I am seized with the disease

When the doctor explained to me what was happening to me, I knew my God was the great healer and better than any medicine the doctor could prescribe. The healing began slowly and I began to understand that my journey through life was not mine alone to bear. I am so thankful that He cares for me and restores me when I call upon Him.

1 comment:

  1. I so appreciate your transparency, Sharon! Women deal with anxiety issues every day, and yet we hesitate to talk about it. Praise God that he has led you through that dark time and you are able to share your deliverance with those who might be suffering still.
