Have you met Ken Avery? I had not met him either until Friday night. He was playing basketball with the guys and stopped in to see what was going on at the book swap. What a nice guy! His suggestion was that the men of the church have a similar event for guys who like books. Our ladies might just be starting a trend!
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8
Monday, June 20, 2011
Book Swap Wrap-up
Why is it that right before an event, the skies decide to open up and pour? I don't know the answer to that, but it certainly happened the night of the book swap. I captured this picture thinking the worst was behind us, but it was just a little break in the storm. Storm or no storm, the die hard book fans came out to have fun and swap books.
Have you met Ken Avery? I had not met him either until Friday night. He was playing basketball with the guys and stopped in to see what was going on at the book swap. What a nice guy! His suggestion was that the men of the church have a similar event for guys who like books. Our ladies might just be starting a trend!
Ice breakers, snacks, and door prizes (gift cards to Barnes and Noble and McKay's) were all preliminaries to the reason for gathering. We got down to the business of picking out books that were new to us and finished the evening off with plans for the next one! If you missed this one, look for another in the upcoming months.

Have you met Ken Avery? I had not met him either until Friday night. He was playing basketball with the guys and stopped in to see what was going on at the book swap. What a nice guy! His suggestion was that the men of the church have a similar event for guys who like books. Our ladies might just be starting a trend!
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