Ironically, I think I may have learned a lot about love from
someone who hates me. You know, that one person in your life who you repeatedly
will away and yet there they are – making situations, relationships and day to
day life fairly miserable for you.

Until a few years ago I prided myself on being generally
amicable and getting along well with all of my friends and acquaintances –
regardless of our differences. So when I found myself the object of a family
member’s scorn, resentment and misguided anger I was at a loss for what to do.
It felt as if this person were deliberately trying to rob me of my joy during
what would be some of the most important events of my life – my wedding, my
first pregnancy, the birth of my son, watching him grow and develop day by day…
and to make matters worse, because this person was a part of my family I truly
could not escape the situation; nor could my other family members. I remember
questioning why God would allow this to happen to me… I didn’t feel as if I had
done anything to deserve this person’s contempt and I found myself meeting
anger with escalating anger.
I prayed that God would change this person. Apparently that
wasn’t his plan. What he taught me instead was how to love when it is
“If you love those who love you, what reward
will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you
doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?” Matthew 5:46-47 NIV
So I began to pray that God would change my
heart and help me to love and forgive. To be honest, it is a daily struggle.
Some days I feel nothing but compassion, others some new situation inevitably
arises and it’s like salt in the wound. The good news is that God continues to
encourage me through His people. One week it was Pastor Bob’s sermon on
forgiveness. His metaphor about lugging around the suitcase (our “baggage”) and
repeatedly choosing to drop it rather than holding onto it regularly enters my
mind each time I struggle with forgiveness. Another time I was reading a book
and stumbled across this verse:
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that
curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully
use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 KJV
I don’t believe I had ever read this verse before and it was
as though I had been waiting for God to personally tell me this… as if until he
outright told me to I wouldn’t have to listen to that still, small voice. I’m
pretty stubborn that way.

Whether it’s performing some random act of kindness for
someone who has hurt you, letting go of an old grudge, or simply just praying
for God to soften your heart towards someone, I hope God uses this Valentine’s
day to encourage our hearts to love our neighbors as ourselves… even the ones
who’ve installed surround sound in their living room, regularly hold band
practice in their garage, and let their dogs explore your lawn.
I had a similar experience early in my marriage, Megan. Isn't it wonderful how God helps us through those tough times and even helps us to love difficult people??