Monday, May 14, 2012

Beautiful Inside and Out

Kathleen Corder writes about her mother, Vicki.

The past year has been one big roller coaster for our family. My mom lost two of the people she loves most in the world. I remember back in September right before things started going downhill that I knew my mom always had it all under control. I was amazed at the way she took such good care of my grandma and my dad! I've always had such a comfort knowing that I was learning some pretty important life lessons from such an amazing woman who I would one day grow up to be like. I always want to find something to do for my mom to let her know she's always loved and appreciated, but I always find the gifts keep pouring out of her through her love and care for not only my siblings and me, but for everyone around her. 

People always knew my dad as such a giving and caring man and everyone loved him very much. But even as he is gone now I still see all of those traits in my mom. She may not see it in herself but her beauty shows not only on the outside, but on the inside in every way. The thing I love most about my mom is her unending love for God. Through every struggle she seems to never give up on Him and I admire that more than anything. This Mother's Day I want to honor my mom. Her strength is incredible and I hope one day I can learn from her in everything she does. 


  1. This is beautiful Kathleen and so true. I look to you as such a strong image of faith Mrs. Corder. Praying everyday <3

  2. Beautiful, Kathleen! Your mom is a wonderful woman, and this is a wonderful tribute to her.
