Deuteronomy 6:5-7 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your heart. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
In March we were blessed with a beautiful sunny Spring -like day. The grass was beginning to turn and I could see some evidence of the Earth awakening. So a trip to the basement was in order to retrieve Spring. Frist item out was our basket of Resurrection Eggs. Mine are not just any store bought eggs but ones made around 18 years ago. I look forward to bringing these out each year. They have become a cherished memory for me, just as they have for our 8 grandchildren. Each year we share the story of Easter with the eggs.
When our first granddaughter Whitney, was about 3 years old I found the idea of Resurrection Eggs in a Parentlife magazine. This was the beginning of what proved to be a tradition with all of the grandchildren. This year I had the great joy of sharing the eggs with Ben our youngest grandson for the first time. Ben is four and he has enjoyed learning the story of the eggs and in correcting the older ones if they miss a point he feels is important.
Our eggs are homemade. If you want to make your own the instructions are as follows: You will need a dozen plastic eggs (any combination of colors). Children learn the story from you. I do not include the actual Bible verse for each but we talk about God's book the Bible. Keep the events simple that even the youngest can understand.
small cracker (last supper) feather (Peter's denial of Jesus)
three dimes (Judas)
crown of thorns (Jennifer actually made a small one)
nails(let them feel the sharp point)
dice(casting lots for garmet)
cross(made of pipe cleaner)
spear (plastic toothpick - broke off sword handle)
cinnamon sticks(burial spice)
white cloth (burial cloth)
stone(covered entry to tomb)
empty egg(when Mattie became older she decorated a special one)for He has Risen
I love making special memories with my grandchildren. I love being able to share the Story of Easter with them. Most of all I enjoy the Sweetness of hearing them retell the story.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way He should go and he will not depart from it."
Think about what memories you would like to create for your children or grandchildren. What a joy it is for me to be able to share the Bible with my grandchildren.
Sally, I really enjoyed reading of the resurrection eggs and your family's traditions at Easter! Thanks for stretching yourself to learn the skills necessary to write for us on Grace-Lifeline! You are a champ!!